Vegatables on a pizza.

What is a Specialty Food?

According to WikipediaSpecialty foods are foods that are typically considered as "unique and high-value food items made in small quantities from high-quality ingredients".[1] Consumers typically pay higher prices for specialty foods, and may perceive them as having various benefits[1]compared to non-specialty foods. Compared to staple foods, specialty foods may have higher prices due to more expensive ingredients and labor.[2] Some food stores specialize in or predominantly purvey specialty foods.[3][4] Several organizations exist that promote specialty foods and its purveyors.

Specialty Food Labels Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide food companies with custom, high quality labels for less.

Customer satisfaction is our number one goal.  We understand the importance of developing long-term relationships with our customers.  We realize that we're only as good as our last order and will work hard to hopefully earn your repeat business.